Julie Chan, intuitive life purpose coach, Yale and MIT alum, and founder of Being My Purpose, talks with entrepreneurs, business executives, scientists, educators, and leaders to hear their stories of transformation, and examine the science behind them. She also explores what it means for anyone to unlock their potential in life and career, and to embark on a discovery of — All Possibilities.

Friday Feb 12, 2021
Friday Feb 12, 2021
Dr. Al Powers, a neuroscientist and psychiatrist, teams up with Brittany Quagan, a psychic-medium and therapist, to create the Yale COPE Project at the Yale University School of Medicine. Its mission is to understand clinically the extraordinary experiences of people who hear, see or experience things that other people do not. We talk about "voice hearing" experiences and how surprisingly common they are, the neuroscience of perception, and strategies to control psychic perceptions. The Yale COPE Project is currently looking for participants for an online research study of psychic perceptual experiences with the hopes of revolutionizing the medical and mental health field. Visit spirit.research.yale.edu for more information.

Monday Aug 05, 2019
Monday Aug 05, 2019
What happens if you're super successful but burned out? What do you do when everyone is expecting you to continue the same routine? Hear the story of Ali Leipzig and Michelle Garside, cofounders of Soul Camp (a premier adult sleep-away camp for wellness and transformation) and founder of Soul Camp Creative, which is devoted to working with conscious companies and brands that are positively impacting the planet. Ali and Michelle share their journey with Julie Chan and what it took for them to reprioritize their lives.

Monday Jun 24, 2019
Kate Northrup, author of Do Less: A Revolutionary Approach
Monday Jun 24, 2019
Monday Jun 24, 2019
Could it be that our own bodies and mind are resources enough to be our best selves -- and if we only trust trust in them, we can achieve great things? Entrepreneur, best-selling author, and mother of two Kate Northrup says the answer is "yes". Her latest book is a revolutionary approach to time and energy management for busy moms.
In this episode, join us to discover:
- How Kate's mother, a renowned expert in women's health -- Dr. Christiane Northrup -- inspired a scientific side that powerfully blends with spirituality
- Why an identity shift due to the exhaustion from pregnancy and motherhood made Kate think about life differently
- The surprising way the menstrual cycle can be a project management tool
- Why writing her books helped Kate prepare for a very difficult time in her life
- The nature of allowing life to simply unfold

Monday Feb 18, 2019
093 – Yanira Crespo – Soul Contract
Monday Feb 18, 2019
Monday Feb 18, 2019
No matter what you go through, your soul chooses to go through difficult journeys in order to learn and gain perspective. The soul knows it can handle that challenge because that’s what it is there for. It’s a glimpse of hope when things get tough.
Special guest Yanira Crespo is a spiritual life coach, a fighter, and a survivor. She joins Julie Chan in the MouthMedia Network studio powered by Sennheiser and shares:
- Her approach to living with fibromyalgia and her discovery of unhealed trauma in her body
- How her mindset got her out of the wheelchair
- How she tried to commit suicide three times and what gave her hope
- What she's learned about soul contracts and predestined experiences to live out for soul evolution

Monday Feb 11, 2019
092 – A Valentine’s Day Message and Reading on Love
Monday Feb 11, 2019
Monday Feb 11, 2019
Inspired by Valentine’s Day this week, Julie shares a channeled reading from the Akashic Records on the subject of love.

Tuesday Feb 05, 2019
091 – Richelle Fredson of Purposeful Platforms – Being Seen
Tuesday Feb 05, 2019
Tuesday Feb 05, 2019
If you were to oversee publicity and marketing for a major publisher of self-help, inspirational, and transformational books for a decade and a half—you’d probably learn something, and be impacted enough for your own life to transform…
Meet Richelle Fredson, Founder & President at Purposeful Platforms, Inc. (platform-building for new authors), as she joins Julie Chan in the MouthMedia Network studio, powered by Sennheiser.
In this episode, Richelle talks with Julie about:
- Working at the major publishing company, Hayhouse, where she worked with many spiritual, best-selling authors
- The evolution of the spiritual industry, including when she first started, she couldn't find a self-help book in a bookstore yet!
- Her journey in becoming an entrepreneur with Purposeful Platforms to help tell your unique story
- Her lessons and tips if you want to be an author

Monday Jan 28, 2019
090 – Ron Rapatalo – Best Self
Monday Jan 28, 2019
Monday Jan 28, 2019
Self-awareness: this may be an undervalued resource — but for Ron Rapatalo self-awareness is an art form.
An Executive Search expert in K-12 education, a men's personal stylist, a fitness trainer, and self-proclaimed silliest person on earth, Ron joins Julie Chan in the MouthMedia Network studio powered by Sennheiser.
Tune in if you're looking to advance your career, make a career transition, or discover how to bring your intuitive gifts into your work.
In this episode, Ron shares:
- Tips for getting hired in senior leadership roles
- The reality of bias and racism in hiring
- Why our actions and habits matter
- The power of intuition when you’re networking
- His own journey discovering his identity as an empath, and how he integrates his intuitive side into his work, and
- How Julie's purpose reading tangibly impacted his life.

Monday Jan 21, 2019
089 – Noah Levy – Cultivating Strength
Monday Jan 21, 2019
Monday Jan 21, 2019
Imagine battling anxiety, breaking up a long-term relationship with an addict, and having panic attacks on live TV...
Noah Levy, who works in content creation and brand development as a TV & podcast producer, joins Julie Chan in the MouthMedia Network studio powered by Sennheiser to share his lessons learned as he battles loneliness and cultivates a source of strength.
In this episode, Noah talks about:
- The first moment he became aware of the spiritual and metaphysical world around him
- His obsession with psychic hotlines
- Discovering Louise Hay (of Hayhouse fame) and her teachings while attending NYU
- How to change your thoughts to change your reality
- Working through anger, and how envisioning who you may be mad at as a little child is beneficial and can place things in perspective
- His history as a magazine editor and his run on TV as a co-host on VH1’s "The Gossip Table"
- The shame that surrounds mental illness and loneliness
- His intuitive reading session with Julie and his reflections.

Friday Dec 28, 2018
A Holiday Message from Julie
Friday Dec 28, 2018
Friday Dec 28, 2018
Happy Holidays! Here’s an inspirational message from Julie Chan for the holidays and as we ready ourselves for a new calendar year.

Monday Dec 17, 2018
088 – Susan Correa of art & eden – A Business Built to Care
Monday Dec 17, 2018
Monday Dec 17, 2018
Would you be willing to leave everything you built because you discovered your business is harming the planet–and then build something new as part of the solution?
Susan Correa, Founder/CEO of art & eden (organic, eco-friendly, and ethical children’s clothing brand offering an affordable selection of organic cotton clothing for kids and babies) joins Julie Chan in the MouthMedia Network studio, powered by Sennheiser to share her entrepreneurial journey.
In this episode, Susan talks about:
- How she was building and leading two multi-million dollar companies, but in her personal life was searching for deeper meaning
- Looking into the ecological impact of every part of her business from manufacturing to sourcing to packaging, from conventional to organic
- Why she decided to start a company in infant and baby-wear
- The unfolding of many serendipitous moments
- How a tiny, new brand got many amazing collaborations and recognitions, and
- Her intuitive reading with Julie and her thoughtful reflections.