Julie Chan, intuitive life purpose coach, Yale and MIT alum, and founder of Being My Purpose, talks with entrepreneurs, business executives, scientists, educators, and leaders to hear their stories of transformation, and examine the science behind them. She also explores what it means for anyone to unlock their potential in life and career, and to embark on a discovery of — All Possibilities.

Monday May 29, 2017
Monday May 29, 2017
Revealing a truer self and finding hope through photography with Takako… Sarah Takako Skinner, Photographer and Creator of The Hope Is Project (bio), joins Julie Chan for an extraordinary and inspiring mini intuitive reading, interpretation and coaching. Recorded at the MouthMedia Network studios. (Includes explicit language.)Photographic process, a healing experience, and the moment between the moments Skinner discusses how her photography process with her subjects involve textures, emotions, a complex process, are incredibly enjoyable, have creativity with interpersonal relationships which develop. How she is a humanist first, with the camera documenting. How the common thread is that someone comes in with their own sense of identity, and she allows them to expand and expose fears, bringing them out. How she makes sue she gives a lot of direction, flowing through movements and actions and intentions, acting out, tapping into their inner child, sub personalities, how it is felt to be a transformative experience like art therapy, with storytelling, as a healing experience, enlightening, joyful, fun, providing a feeling of pride in who subjects are, seeing a new version of themselves, thinking of themselves in a way they never thought of before. Skinner touches on her process taking usually at least two days, how she is bossy and firm, and how the idea is to get them out of their heads. The moment between the moments, learning to learn to shed taboos, allowing herself to honor extreme anger and fear and live and reenact them. Once OK’d, you become to understand how to accept what is inside you, and all elements. Gastroschisis, becoming Takako, and The Hope Is Project Her extraordinary birth story, and how life was propelled by fight, scarring, trauma, and how she was bestowed the name Takako and it is a lifeline representing triumph on a battlefield. Skinner’s anger, shame, body shame, a long time to shed, allowing her to connect more directly with people. She’s all in, and has been able to do it, and how each image is her. Skinner talks about the meaning of hope, and the basic need for survival, how she has wondered what drove hope for her parents. When she decided to research the meaning of hope through other people, and it became The Hope Is Project, how hope has many levels making it impossible to fully verbalize it, so used a camera. Her mission to lead people to teach us, show us, inform us what their hope looks like. The press picked up on it, the power of visual communication, the hypothesis that hope begets hope, the act of searching with a physical item is powerful, giving participants back their power and a sense of purpose, why it matters that Skinner understands the fragility of life and to not waste it, but to push it, give back and lead. Evolving by pushing through, and how Skinner is living her purpose.An intuitive reading, clouds and a storm, and waiting for a rainbow Chan shares a mini intuitive reading, being a cloud, being seen and photographed, how light is blocked but then allowing light to filter through in new and magnificent ways, what is it? A way of being fleeting, of causing and creating a mark on the world, a shadow, and interplay of light that just happens. How a cloud can be remembered, forgotten, and can pass by without anyone noticing it existed, feeling like a child waiting for a rainbow to appear after a thunderous storm, focusing on an opening of light that has always been there can peek through, but it is what is invisible that moves it all in the first place. The fight to live the way she wants to live, a lot of fear and sacrifice, and getting past darkness and self-doubt.

Monday May 22, 2017
009 – Jim Posner of The Mindful Advantage – From Wall Street to Mindfulness
Monday May 22, 2017
Monday May 22, 2017
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Meditation… Jim Posner, Founder of The Mindful Advantage (which helps busy professionals decrease stress, increase focus and improve productivity with mindfulness meditation – bio) joins Julie Chan for a discussion of mindfulness, meditation and career changes, and a mini intuitive reading, at the MouthMedia Network Studio at Voyager HQ.A journey to mindfulness, what others think, and cultivating an awareness of thought Posner discusses how people learn from him as mindfulness instructor combining rationality and mindfulness, and renewing one’s thoughts. How he is the last person you’d expect to be a mindfulness instructor, his journey to mindfulness, how he was laid off from job on Wall Street, needed to be present, how going to a psychologist and a psychiatrist was only touching the surface and a “band aid” for him, panic attacks, a hospital visit and then he found Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Meditation. His worries about what other people would think, and how after five years he found acceptance from more people than expected. Finding it so powerful he decided to teach it, the science behind mindfulness or awareness, cultivating a higher awareness of awareness of thoughts, feeling, emotions, surrounding, sensations etc.. Taking control over them instead of thoughts feelings and emotions controlling you. How more than 90% of thoughts on sub-conscious level, 80% of our thoughts are negative and recurring, and the vicious circle of cascading negative thoughts we all have. New is actually old, career transitions, and when the mind wanders Consideration that becoming aware is a 3,000 old practice, and the challenge to learn how to move through the negative thoughts. Parts of the brain that change when we meditate., how science is catching up to the practice, and overcoming the inability to shut the mind off. The wide range of applications in schools, socioeconomic situations, businesses and to affect the personal and corporate bottom lines. Career transitions and the fears one has to face, how Posner felt pigeonholed in his previous job, making a transition into his own business difficult, worrying about being judged, and a tough road to being able to communicate what he did in mindfulness. How entrepreneurs judge themselves, and the way self-talk derails productivity and happiness. How Posner deals with his own growth as an entrepreneur with meditation. Non-judgment on thoughts, and how recognizing that the mind has wandered, and bringing attention back to present moment, can be a seminal moment.A mini intuitive reading, moving forward, and a better world Chan provides a mini intuitive reading, about raking the leaves, cleaning up from where Posner was and moving forward, swimming the strokes as others are doing, and moving forward. And it’s about seeing, new ideas, and not caring what the neighbors think. Posner suggests that if everyone learned mindfulness meditation the world would be a better place, more socially responsible, kids less stressed in schools, benefits are proven, and how he’s living proof. And, being an advocate for the power of what meditation can do for the world. Jon Kabat-Zinn Shinzen Young, The Science of Enlightenment

Monday May 15, 2017
Monday May 15, 2017
The power of focusing on the needs of others… Bill Carmody, CEO of Trepoint (a digital marketing agency), international speaker, and columnist for @inc – (bio), joins Julie Chan for an emotional and revealing mini intuitive reading, interpretation and coaching. Recorded at the MouthMedia Network studio at Voyager HQ.The Charles Dickens process, success without feeling successful, and a new chapter Carmody touches on his significant experience in helping brands in doing content marketing and finding an authentic voice, etc. How his life was on the wrong track, and he started transforming his life with Tony Robbins. He knew it was time for big change, lost a lot of weight, ran his first marathon, now training for an Iron Man, and aiming to take it to the highest level possible and being the person he was born to be. Recalling how the moment of discovery was during the Charles Dickens process, knowing why you want to do things, visualizing his own death, breaking a lot of unhealthy habits, seeing his children crying over his grave, growing up Catholic and being very spiritual, until a priest violated him and he allowed himself to take his own faith away, evaporating faith. Being successful and doing well, but not feeling it inside. Carmody felt he would steal his life from his children, that he’d be a thief. The ability to go back to the moment of spiritual awakening like a flash, and how he now believes in an interconnected web of existence, and disassociating spirituality from the priest incident as a child. Trying to find how to integrate that with his business world, using the loss of a major client as an opportunity to begin a new chapter, focusing on things that really matter, and just “being here”. Mini intuitive reading, gold in the river and diamonds in the words, and being kind to ourselves while giving to others Chan provides a mini intuitive reading to Carmody, focusing on how communication is not sterile, it is a living entity, words are prized possessions, packets of diamonds, and how the way Carmody communicates with himself that can use a boost. How words to himself are not prized possessions, and he should be delivering goodness to himself, a river, debris, gold in the river and in the debris, how everything has a use, and reflecting on life and communication style. How through writing, Carmody was able to have experiences and relationships, serving the audience when authentically giving of himself. The next chapter is more speaking and writing. How we err in allowing ourselves to be nasty to ourselves. Having positivity externally and internally.Reflecting on the reading, evaluating abundance, and learning from one’s children How debris is getting in the way of distributor of more diamonds, the need for nourishment, the debris is carrying the gold, creating a soft nest. Opportunities might seem like debris, and are containers for the true essence of the gold you wanted to collect. Evaluating abundance and whom you can share it with. Being present, and how Carmody makes sure his kids pickup his values, and how they can teach him.References: The Difference by Subir Chowdhury Tony Robbins

Monday May 08, 2017
007 – Eduardo Placer of Fearless Communicators – The Lion and the Kitty
Monday May 08, 2017
Monday May 08, 2017
The ripple effect of finding a confident voice… Eduardo Placer, Social Impact Entrepreneur, Motivational Speaker, Community Builder, and Founder/CEO of Fearless Communicators (a dynamic public speaking coaching business that empowers leaders and change-makers) – (bio), joins Julie Chan for a discussion of finding one’s voice, and a follow up to a prior full intuitive reading, at the MouthMedia Network Studio at Voyager HQ.A voice and a story, when the body shows up, and the introverted extrovert Placer reviews how he started as an actor, and how he realized we all have a voice and a story to share, and how owning a voice and story can allow us to make impact. How he found himself on stage, wondering if is this all he was called to do in life, with the answer growing louder. He discusses public speaking, how the body shows up to the event of speaking, working with a school in southern Kenya, an LGBTQ activist organization in southeastern Africa, working with women in business to help the with their voice, and endeavoring to arm fearless communicators across the planet to speak about things that can make a difference. Placer reveals how he is an introverted extrovert, the opportunity to discover the power of you through sharing through those with less self-confidence having an empathy different than someone who is a natural. Breathing and tension, the universal inner dialogue, and a charge to communicate A conversation on where the voice is located, finding one’s voice, breathing and tension, and relieving jaw tensions and stretching. Intention, outcome and result, who are we being when speaking, what is the audience experiencing and feeling, and then the result. How we can choose to not be at mercy of inner dialogue we have of not being good enough, and how that dialogue is universal. Purpose and mission is being called to speak, we all have something important to say, are the unique person to share that, and present to that power. If the focus is on oneself, that focus is in the wrong place. Finding one’s voice, “powertalk”, and how to give amazing presentations. The movement of a supreme love community, radical supreme love. How when one does not have one’s voice and not speaking up makes one disappear. Our charge is to communicate, and how commitment must be bigger than concerns.Following up on an intuitive reading, a feline duality, and leading the pride A follow up since the full intuitive purpose reading with Eduardo, being the lion, understanding where he stands in the chain of life, how his ferociousness can be overwhelming when unleashed, how the duality of being a lion and timid cat is his theme, battling the two and learning how to embrace the two. Eduardo reflects on what reading was like, how it has impacted, fearless sharing vs. timid sharing, moved out of scarcity context and moving into an abundance context. Leading the pride, just standing in the space of not being a selfish lion, needing the support of the pride, being unapologetic and owning the power, leading from a place of selflessness and abundance, showing up to serve, and making a difference.Reference: The Muslim Jewish Conference

Monday May 01, 2017
006 – Mini Intuitive Reading with Veronica Owens of TiM – Startup Dance
Monday May 01, 2017
Monday May 01, 2017
Balance, pace, and positivity in entrepreneurialism… Veronica Owens, Co-Founder of TiM (a web based digital on-boarding system for the entertainment industry – bio) joins Julie Chan for an emotional and revealing mini intuitive reading, interpretation and coaching at the MouthMedia Network Studio at Voyager HQ.Fixing a problem, loss, tragedy and challenges, and an Inner Empowerment Tool Kit Owens discusses how work in film production made her and her business partner realize how inefficient the on-boarding systems were, no one would complain or solve the issues, so they risked everything to try to solve it. Freelancers work long days, no one feels responsible to fix problem because no overarching system, moving job to job, not really “your problem” to fix it. Their system allows the same crewmember to fill out what normally would be massive physical paperwork by submitting with a few clicks. She stresses that TiM wasn’t fully and solely their idea, but instead “everyone’s idea”. Creating something from scratch is challenging and rewarding, startups are soul incubators, scary and empowering that it can stop existing at any moment, anything is real if you believe in it, having to let go of external things you define yourself with, everything around you can crumble to bits, but finding strength in yourself no matter what‘s crumbling around you. A pivotal moment of loss, tragedy and challenges. Losing everything around her, she hadn’t nourished her own happiness. Everyone has the power to create and shape their future, remembering what you love outside of work, needing to be able to believe in yourself first. Anything can change in a moment, but one’s own strength can’t be taken. An Inner Empowerment Tool Kit, chanting, Buddhism, yoga, how she found that kit and how she lost it. Needing to get them back, easy to be hard on yourself, easy to be sad. Eating right helps with stress too, and support from others is important. Buckets of water, rhythm and gravity, and working as one with the universe Chan shares an intuitive min-reading based on what is the highest guidance for Owens at this time, to align with who she is and move forward, balancing buckets of water, flowing, circular, some will be lost that’s acceptable, like a dance matching the universe, keeping water in. Working with the universe allows speed. Reflecting on life to see where it feels too slow and steady that causes inner angst, approach it all as a dance, and how rhythm and gravity work in favor. Being grateful, positivity, seeing things as blessings. How you can remake the world if you remake yourself, how struggling can help one find balance, wanting to dance and have what was seen as weight as choices instead. Being one with the universe, believing in purpose, spending every day present and honest with yourself about who you are instead of being distracted. Intense focus on how much water was there in the reading imagery, so easy to lie to oneself. Step One is catching a negative thought, changing the subject and letting go, walking forward and focusing on the journey. Working as one with the universe, believing in your own power. And stop accepting less.

Monday Apr 24, 2017
005 – Mini Intuitive Reading with Derek Garlington – Presence and Joy
Monday Apr 24, 2017
Monday Apr 24, 2017
Being present and in the moment… Derek Garlington, filmmaker, mixed martial artist ad MMA fighter, and author of “Souls of the Kindred Flame” (bio), joins Julie Chan for a mini intuitive reading and discussion on enjoying moments and allowing creativity to flow.Meeting Derek, a moment of quiet, and beating writer’s block Garlington discussed how he was inspired to go down the spiritual path, an extraordinary experience with very rare white and purple shells covering a pier as a spiritual experience out in the open, and when writing becomes reality. His book “Souls of the Kindred Flame” as a spiritual mystery story, how you have more internal power than you think, and the worth in examining it. How mixed martial arts and the motion of the body being active have been keys for him, and taking a moment of quiet. Being in the moment in mixed martial arts, being outside of the body, and in whatever you’re feeling make sure to focus that effectively and use that. The way martial arts and writing get him in spiritual mindset. And, strategies for writers block. Mini intuitive reading, feeling at peace, and moving vs. hovering Chan shares a mini intuitive reading, revealing birds, a shared serene moment, looking at life and relationships and driving things forward, respecting and honor moments, presence and joy. Resonating, Garlington shares about making a universe together, enjoying the moment instead of driving forward, and feeling at peace just by being with someone. The bird moving forward, or the bird hovering, being in something vs. outcomes.Questions Answered, being conscious of purpose, and connecting to flow Looking at the Akashic Records and how the information comes through. Lessons from past lives, being conscious of purpose to keep expressing on a plane of joy, leading to synchronicity. How Julie started noticing and looking for signs of abilities, inspired writing, and how best work comes when connected to flow.

Monday Apr 17, 2017
004 – Dr. Steven Giron – Waking the Higher Brain
Monday Apr 17, 2017
Monday Apr 17, 2017
Higher brain living… Dr. Steve Giron, a.k.a. “Dr. Steve” (bio), master facilitator of higher brain living, joins Julie Chan for a truly fascinating exploration of higher brain living from particle physics to consciousness.Rebooting the brain, awakening transformation, and biofeedback Dr. Steve reviews his path from elementary particle physics to spiritual healing, how Julie was a client, what happens in higher brain living, awakening dormant potential in higher brain, quantum mechanics and harnessing a new empowerment state to thrive with purpose for being on the planet, and creating a new brain “hardware” system and new “software” system to create a desired life. How when he was looking for a way to get out of a corporate job and seeking more transformational work he discovered the world of higher brain living. Dr. Steve goes in depth about the discoveries and research of Dr. Michael Cotton, the originator of technique. How an awakening transformation in the brain’s prefrontal cortex can allow the harnessing of abilities, and studies which scientifically help us understand core levels and measure activity in the brain. How techniques can allow people to live as a fearless and authentic self and allow that to be manifested through action in the world. The informal studies of Dr. Penny Montgomery on biofeedback and how they found long chains of beta waves in the brain creating more energy in brain, less stress and ability to be focused and clear. And alpha waves, and what this means for people who can be headed on a downward path if they are not already doing something. Stretching, spoon-bending, and bridging worlds How the process works, what Julie’s experience was and why she did it, the use of gentle contacts on body, bridging the gap between western science and mysticism, using body’s energy for waking up the prefrontal cortex. The relevance of brain physiology, how clients report seeing inner light, and how the body dumps stress through motion. Why stretching releases stress and its importance to our health, and rhythmic wave of stretching as a reset button on clearing pathways of the body’s “computer”. How we’re thinking ourselves to death, when Dr. Steve’s meditation at 8 years old awakened an understanding of more than the physical world, how a horrible snowboarding injury led him to discover the impact of higher brain living, and where the spiritual and physical worlds connect. Spoon-bending, the “observer effect”, understanding the microscopic to understand the macroscopic, how intentionality is connected with all matter. quantum entanglement, and bridging the between both worlds.A surprise intuitive mini reading, aligning intentions, and the tipping point of consciousness Julie performs a mini intuitive reading for Dr. Steve, touching on the quality of movements, a javelin, swift and light movements, and how calculations of movements and technical minutia is the error. The need to reflect on approaching the movement, and an upward focus like a bird. Dealing with uncertainty, putting attention on the end goal, and making intentions and action align better. Envisioning the tipping point in the consciousness of humanity, and giving over to conscious flow states.