Julie Chan, intuitive life purpose coach, Yale and MIT alum, and founder of Being My Purpose, talks with entrepreneurs, business executives, scientists, educators, and leaders to hear their stories of transformation, and examine the science behind them. She also explores what it means for anyone to unlock their potential in life and career, and to embark on a discovery of — All Possibilities.

Monday Aug 07, 2017
020 – Carmen Reynal of Creating Greatness – Pandemic of Joy
Monday Aug 07, 2017
Monday Aug 07, 2017
Improving performance and life with acknowledgment, appreciation and recognition… Carmen Reynal, Founder of Creating Greatness LLC (a cutting edge business transformer, thought leader, coaches’ coach, joy generator, culture change consultant, trainer, thinker and developer of breakthrough performance via acknowledgment, appreciation and recognition of one’s own and other people’s greatness – (bio)), joins Julie Chan for a discussion on achieving and cultivating greatness through acknowledgement and appreciation, along with an intuitive reading. Recorded at the MouthMedia Network Studios.Creating our own world, needing acknowledgment, and love languages at work Reynal shares how she was raised in 7 countries, her corporate background and social service background, and her commitment to causing pandemic of joy. The importance of being acknowledged, shifting focus on what works for people, how acknowledgment, appreciation and “loving people up” have a profound appreciation on performance. We create a world by what we say. The more we pay attention to what’s terrible about life, the more we invite terrible things. A culture takes time to build, Gary Chapman’s “Five Love Languages”, expressing and interpreting expressions of love, and “Five Languages of Love Appreciation in the Workplace”, and whether there is a universal language and related complaints. Really connecting with and hearing employees, an intuitive reading, and pushing vs. floating Finding out the language of love that each employee has could make a difference, which they best hear and absorb. Making sure that others are hearing you in a heartfelt way and truly getting what you’re saying—and developing the ability to feel and sense and establish genuine connection. Chan shares an intuitive reading covering a level of coolness, relaxation and trust, floating on the back, taking back control, trust as something that’s needed to be or have, hard work, effort and struggle, and pushing against the tide vs. floating.The art of work, allowing flow, and universal motherhood Looking at one’s job or business as a work of art. Tuning people into their own creativity and cultivating the creativity of one’s staff and peers. What do you do with people who are generally negative and don’t open up a lot, and allowing more flow than trying to control situations. Action is less important than state of being. And being a universal mother. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

Monday Jul 31, 2017
019 – Raven Keyes – Angels in the Operating Room
Monday Jul 31, 2017
Monday Jul 31, 2017
Medical Reiki with Raven Keyes… Raven Keyes, Founder of Raven Keyes Medical Reiki International and a Reiki Master Teacher, Certified Hypnotherapist, Master Meditation Teacher, Workshop Facilitator, and Ordained Interfaith Minister (bio), joins Julie Chan for a discussion medical Reiki, angels, and healing in the wake of 9/11. Recorded at the MouthMedia Network Studios.Discovering Reiki and meditation, Archangel Gabriel’s influence, and a research project How Julie met Raven because of one of Keyes’ books “The Healing Light of Angels” found in a public library, how Keyes discovered Reiki and started doing it at Equinox and gaining press attention, teaching mediation without knowing much about it, leading to being asked to do Reiki in the operating room, Archangel Gabriel’s influence, the power of a resume, the intensity of open heart surgery, and a research project to fund Reiki in the operating room. Giving patients unconditional love from the Universe (Reiki). The difference in anxiety going into operating room with medical Reiki, what Keyes’ learned from her own kidney removal, and how her own grief was replaced by a mission from the Archangel Gabriel that quickly grew into a successful company helping many people as an international phenomenon. Benefits of medical Reiki, Dr. Oz and Dr. Feldman, and higher forces Keyes’ describes potential medical benefits of Reiki in the operating room including a more level BP, less bleeding, a smoother operation in less time, and how experience can be different for people in the room than usual. How patients are protected by invasion of another spirit wandering around hospital looking for someone. Dr. Feldman and Dr. Oz as doctors having an open minded approach to having medical Reiki practitioners in the operating room and wanting to find more evidence. The more people working with higher forces, the more transformation can occur. And where Richard Branson comes into all of this.9/11, caring for oneself, and PTSD Healing after 9/11, what Keyes saw and experienced and how that impacted her as she helped victims and first responders. Being bombarded in a poison place, how it was a great honor to be welcomed in past the “blue wall of silence” at Ground Zero and being accepted by police, how angels know what do with someone to support them and help them do what they need to do. Crying every day when she got home in the aftermath of 9/11 but getting through it thanks to the help of angels. Wanting to do more even when doing one’s best. How taking care of oneself is important in the face of trauma, and dealing with PTSD. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

Monday Jul 24, 2017
018 – Dr. Anna Yusim – Psychiatry, Meet Spirituality
Monday Jul 24, 2017
Monday Jul 24, 2017
Spirituality in Psychiatry with Dr. Anna Yusim… Dr. Anna Yusim, a psychiatrist with private practice in New York City and author of the book “Fulfilled, How the Science of Spirituality Can Help You Live a Happy and More Meaningful Life” – (bio), joins Julie Chan for a look at the intersection of business, science, mental health, and spirituality. Recorded at the MouthMedia Network Studios.Lifting darkness, discovering the world, and when medication is right and when something else is better Yusim shares how in her past she hit a bump in the road, and a lot of darkness, and despite knowing healing tools she couldn’t pull herself out of it. Then her spiritual journey started. And she explored and learned new tools. She studied in India and Thailand and South Africa, and more, understanding how the world works, and gaining a new perspective on life. And her own darkness started to lift. Spirituality and shamanism, and beliefs and methods unusual for a psychiatrist. About the direction medicine and psychiatry are going. When someone is acutely mentally ill, they may need medication, but that s a minority. Most people come in with a more spiritual approach or psychiatric approach, more patients are finding medications have side effects and they want to have alternatives. Reconnecting with the soul, living authentically, and biologic and environmental factors How it is a beautiful thing when a patient is empowered enough to be ready to do this. Medications often help with symptoms but don’t go to the soul level. A frequent cause is a disconnect with one’s own soul. Reconnecting with purpose and living more authentic lives. Identifying this, and communicating this to patients and having them accept it. Biologic propensities and environmental factors, and how everyone can do soul work and how it benefits everyone.Soul work, the shadow side, and addressing skeptics Soul work includes authenticity, soul correction and connecting to part of something greater. Living according to your own authentic self at the soul level. How people correct their soul, opening doors to be the best person and being in the best position to help others. The shadow side, what happens when we push something away, and claiming a personal power. The intersection of business science and spirituality. Addressing skeptical psychiatrists, and how science is coming out showing how powerful spirituality is in the human process. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

Monday Jul 17, 2017
017 – Chia-Ti Chiu of One Love Wellness – Poetic Peacefulness
Monday Jul 17, 2017
Monday Jul 17, 2017
Yoga, wellness, and mindfulness… Chia-Ti Chiu, founder of One Love Wellness (Customized Wellness Services in New York City – bio), joins Julie Chan for a mini-intuitive reading and discussion on yoga, wellness, and making the world a better place. Recorded at the MouthMedia Network Studios.The spoken word, Asia and India, and working with teens Chiu shares her Taiwanese background, teaching classes in New York City, and her international retreats, how she was spoken word artist, living in Asia and backpacking and studying in India, her first experience in yoga, and following intuition and getting involved in yoga. Being inspired by India, and the larger plan, using yoga for wellness, trauma treatment and social justice, working with youth, how trauma affects the adolescent brain, and how yoga can be a tool to calm nervous system and foster confidence, peace and creativity, which empowers young people to make healthy choices for themselves. Intuitive reading, a subway around the world, and mindfulness Chan offers an intuitive reading for Chiu, seeking the highest guidance at this time, involving a subway train that feels like home, gymnastics, yoga, bridging two things, attention, respect, awe and appreciation for the entertainment value of yoga, an art form, taking yoga out of perceived bounds, subway care wrapping the globe, a mesmerizing homecoming, sharing love, reflecting on opportunities, and a media element to demystify yoga. Daily acts of mindfulness, finding ways that yoga works and aligns with you, and the essence of yoga.Mindful dialogue, a vision for the world, and the pace of change A vision for the world, how people are talking to each other more, the importance of more mindful dialogue, the pace of change, and The Lineage Project. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

Monday Jul 10, 2017
Monday Jul 10, 2017
Empowering women, finding the fun in success… Jen Nash, entrepreneur and budding philanthropist with a focus on empowering women around money (bio), joins Julie Chan for a mini-intuitive reading and discussion on inspiring others and enjoying life. Recorded at the MouthMedia Network Studios.A reset, a disparity, and a unusual upbringing Nash discusses her long time side passions of real estate, enjoying time with female friends and encouraging them to leave greatest lives with the most money. How she ran off to Southeast Asia for a big reset, and came back and launched JenNash.com, empowering women to be more comfortable talking about money. Knowing you have to make a change when you are no longer doing something you want to do. Loving helping women know its OK to talk about money. The disparity between the majority of college attendees being women, but most high earning people are men. The “Wonder Woman” movie as a great example of a powerful woman character and powerful women getting something accomplished. “The Confidence Code” book, how the challenge is bigger than a wage gap, success attributed by female for ability needs to change, being raised in Christian household while having a mother as a member of Associate for Research and Enlightenment founded by Edgar Cayce, and how her upbringing had an impact on opening Nash’s mind and personality. Talking too much, a cleansing channel, and a treehouse How talking too much might be seen as a failure, growth in the little moments, Nash’s upbringing learning about reading auras, and foot rubs and ear rubs for tension release, and how she assumed everyone did this. How people who believe in reincarnation have answers to more, and trying to grow her own spiritual practice meditation daily to create a cleansing channel. Chan provides a mini intuitive reading, tuning into energetic imprint, which includes stories, trees and a treehouse, and silence, playfulness, with squirrels chasing one another.Focusing on the happy, money is scary, and just sitting Being supported by a team of “Jens” including Flume Digital’s Jennifer Segalini, trying to stay focused on the happy stuff, how life and money make people serious, a fear of aging without money, staying with the fun because fun is nurturing and will be sustaining, and how money is scary and makes people uncomfortable. Bringing fun, and allowing time each day for just sitting to sit. Plus, when doing nothing gives you more than something. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

Monday Jul 03, 2017
Monday Jul 03, 2017
Spreading joy and being present in its discovery… Jillian Richardson, freelance comedic writer and founder of The Joy List (bio), joins Julie Chan for a mini-intuitive reading and discussion on spreading joy and living a live of purpose. Recorded at the MouthMedia Network Studios.Funny copywriting, mindful entrepreneurs, and creating The Joy List Richardson reviews her background as a freelance writer, working with companies who want to make their companies laugh, the life of a funny copywriter, and how and why she created The Joy List when she moved to NYC to find and participate in great communities. Mindful entrepreneurs meetups, ways to meet people and deeply connect, eye gazing and connections and messages, balancing the emotions of looking for the next paycheck, and the contrast of being around people vs. the solitude of being a freelancer.Jelly beans, trying everything, and relishing each moment Chan shares a mini intuitive reading, aligning with one is on a soul level, the metaphor of jelly beans different flavors with colors so similar, life like a jar of jellybeans, each with own flavor, eating a handful, combining into a new singular flavor, or eat one and savor, tripped up by the hunt for the one best jellybean, which doesn’t exist. Being in the state of discovery, reflecting on when Richardson might assume she’d react a certain way without knowing the actual result, and being open. A child telling others what to do and being bossy as a child, being perceived as very smart. How the reading reinforced that the way she’s leading her life is not wrong. Being brought up being a very good job candidate, now working for herself. Jelly beans as things on her life that she could be doing, not shunning anything, trying everything and seeing what resonates best. Relating this to a romantic life, if jelly beans were men, her experiences in summer camp for adults, when the brain and heart connect, and relishing each moment that does exist.Being present in discovery, being the happiest, and stepping away from technology The image of a small child methodically lining up jelly beans, how that influences the people around Richardson on the choices she makes, doing new things while living in the moment while doing them, instead of doing something and thinking about the next one. Being present in the discovery, and what is joy for Richardson, the idea of community and who she surrounds herself with, and what makes her the happiest she’s ever been — and how The Joy List relates to this. Stepping away from technology and bring present with whom you’re with, and the joy found without technology. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

Monday Jun 26, 2017
014 – Celebrity Psychic Jesse Bravo – If Batman Were Psychic
Monday Jun 26, 2017
Monday Jun 26, 2017
Being a psychic medium the right way… Jesse Bravo, known as the Premier Celebrity Psychic Medium in NYC who has been featured on MTV, NY Times, Wall Street Journal, and ABC News – (bio), joins Julie Chan for a discussion on balancing two worlds, quieting the mind, trusting the voice in your head, psychic predictions, and the reputation of the psychic industry. Recorded at the MouthMedia Network Studios.Wall Street vs. the Universe, quieting the mind, and not using guided meditation Bravo discusses the importance of having proper barriers, having to be mindful at all times, working on Wall Street and embracing logic by day, then being open to the universe at other times. For legality purposes, leaving each world in its own, with no blame, no credit, and just being a “tool”. The key is quieting the mind. Why Bravo does not use guided mediation so that the mind can be quiet, letting whatever is going to come in, come in. How we hold ourselves back in psychic abilities, and it is a passive process, and the need to just feel and know things. Everyone has intuitive ability. Trusting voices in your head, practicing intuition, and the responsibility of psychic predictions Trusting the voice in one’s head, not throwing a moment away. Bravo poses a challenge to the listeners for the next 30 days to be aware of thoughts and stop for a moment. The more one practices the stronger one gets, always in motion weaker or stronger, and that leads to more trust in oneself, toward those abilities becoming normal then natural. Bravo comments on psychic predictions, and how the position of a psychic is very powerful, and having to be careful how psychic abilities and predictions can affect someone, protecting the client from themselves, and the importance of getting other opinions.Bravo’s better model, improving the industry’s reputation, and kindness as a cause Some psychics want you to rely on them, why clients get to see Bravo only once a year, and why his model is a better model for a psychic as more of a life coach and therapist. Negative connotations of the word “psychic”, creating a positive connotation for the word psychic. “Coming out of the closet” as a psychic. The importance of consideration for the field as a whole. Explosion of awareness of psychics via TV, how the government has failed people and that has led to people turning to the psychic industry in the absence of other faith. And kindness as the greatest cause. Plus, Bravo gets emotional when given the opportunity to share. John Edward Tyler Henry Sylvia Browne See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

Monday Jun 19, 2017
Monday Jun 19, 2017
Love and passion vs. logic and ability… Margot Putnam Delaney (bio), a consultant for startups, joins Julie Chan for a mini intuitive reading, interpretation and coaching that ranges from archeology to spirituality, with a hint of blueberries. Recorded at the MouthMedia Network studios.Archeology, loving data, and Camino Santiago Decompostela Putnam Delaney discusses her background in financial tech, how she was originally committed to be a an archeologist, a passion for underwater archeology then antiquities art law, then a transition into financial tech, then immersed in the startup scene, a background in payments processing, a love of data, the study of people, and finding something personal inside data. The value of a diary, embracing spirituality, undertaking the Camino Santiago Decompostela, how sharing leads to confronting, an intimacy with people on that journey, and why she didn’t take contact information of some of her fellow travelers. An Intuitive reading, blueberries, and change Chan provides a mini intuitive reading with blueberries, green leafy branches, the process of picking and juicing, dreading what comes afterwards, staying on branch before being changed and transformed, retaining identity, how we’re all in this together and being taken to processing and being smushed and juiced, how the resulting juice still blueberry but in different form, trying to hang on to fading memory of something beautiful and sweet. Reflecting on a beautiful memory and trying to hold on to it. How it is OK to keep that on her mind, and a lingering presence.Something ruined, creating something new, and democratization vs. accessibility Putnam Delaney reflects on how, when diving on vacation, an inappropriate diver made her nervous and ruined something she loved, her idiosyncratic background, and how perhaps she’s not acknowledging it and doing enough with it, love and passion vs. logic. Blueberries as unpicked and still growing vs. the harsh sterile processing after picking. An ironic confession, “Blueberries for Sal”, an identity tied to blueberry juice, changing physical states, and where the metaphor stops. Grapes vs. wine, taking singular options and give them time to ferment and the complex concept and the process as creating something new. Finding a way to let that flow into this life. How Putnam Delaney has been wanting to write a white paper on democratization vs. accessibility. Plus, an image can drive and inspire you. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

Monday Jun 12, 2017
012 – Amy Jung of Raw Haus – Both Found and Finder
Monday Jun 12, 2017
Monday Jun 12, 2017
Understanding your purpose and doing what you love… Amy Jung, Design Strategist and Co-Founder of Raw Haus, (a creative driven community connecting emerging talent across the design, technology, and entrepreneurial space, providing a collaborative platform for sharing ideas, opportunities, and advice amongst members of the greater creative community in New York City – (bio)) joins Julie Chan for a follow up from a prior full intuitive reading and to discuss discovering and living one’s purpose, finding peace, and growing the intuition “muscle”. Recorded at the MouthMedia Network Studios.A college class about love, the need to connect, and helping others to grow Jung reviews her purpose as to be found and be a finder. How a college class about doing what you love and a moment of painful discovery led to an understanding of how she likes connecting with people. Focusing on intuition, and maximizing impact by helping multiple people to grow. Understanding perspectives, learning a brand, a vehicle to communicate How she uses data and information to convince people and tries to understand everyone’s perspectives and to find the vehicle that helps Jung and others. Discovering what one does, that learning a brand is the core of values, understanding one’s own purpose and one’s own values, having a vehicle for both parties to communicate on.Beaches, treating yourself, and the intuition muscle The ways Jung finds her own peace, East Coast vs. West Coast, and the calm of beaches. That time Jung became sick and realized she needed down time and personal recovery in her life. Started to meditate. The need to treat yourself. Plus, the tables turn with Amy asks questions about growing the intuition “muscle”, meditation, quieting the mind, participating in creative pursuits, and inspired journal writing. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

Monday Jun 05, 2017
011 – Jessica Brodkin of Love and Light Reiki – From WMD’s to Love and Light
Monday Jun 05, 2017
Monday Jun 05, 2017
Reiki energy healing with Jessica Brodkin… Jessica Brodkin, Founder of Love and Light Reiki (bio), joins Julie Chan for a journey through the CIA, WMD’s, MIT science labs, stand-up comedy, and energy healing. Recorded at the MouthMedia Network studios.Discovering Reiki, science vs. spirituality, and the human energy field Brodkin reviews her atheist roots, migraines and pseudo seizures at age 26, how a medical issue led her to discover Reiki, and seeing spirits. How science hasn’t caught up with spirituality, and how they are not fundamentally different. Everything is one. What Reiki is, what the mechanics are, how the human energy field doesn’t end where physical body ends, adjusting energy fields, releasing chakras, being intuitive, and releasing one’s mind. The CIA, WMD’s, and stand-up comedy Brodkin does not care for, and mixing healing with intuitive readings. Her eleven years with the CIA, making a difference in national security on a global scale, starting standup comedy, how being a Weapons of Mass Destruction Analyst impacted her, her Russian Jewish immigrant background and what it means to her, dealing with the impulse to suck it up and life isn’t fun, semi pro dancing in her 20’s, and how she got into healing business. From weapons of mass destruction to love and light. The energy of the words and the charge, and her previous jobs in science labs.Pushing forward, the need for studies, and proving to skeptics Brodkin’s determination to be moving the spirituality, intuitive and energy healing industry forward, the need for more peer-viewed studies, trying to make it more mainstreamed and more normal to see an energy healer, and the need for providing evidence it works to skeptics.